Does this conversation sound familiar?
“Let’s play a game of cards.”
“Can you get them?”
“They’re in the top right drawer, in the kitchen.”
“No they aren't.”
“Try looking on top of the microwave.”
“Not there.”
“Ask the kids, where’s the cards?”
“We don’t know.”
Let’s put an end to this nonsense!
Now you’ll never have to go hunting all over the house again. You’ll always have 3 decks of cards, stored safely in this unique Three Deck Card Holder and Tissue Cover.
Top three things you’ll love about this…
When you’re ready to play card games like hand & foot, which require two or three decks, don’t worry, you got it covered.
Show off your winning hand; place your winning hand in the circle in the front.
You’ll have tissue ready for the loser. Read ‘em and weep.